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sáb, 19 dic


Aplicaciones modernas de la tecnología de membranas de ultrafiltración

In 2020, Ultrafiltration is more relevant than it has ever been. A technology capable of removing Bacteria and Viruses along with a host of other impurities from a feed water stream should be given a lot more attention this year and the years to come. This webinar is on UF and its applications.

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Aplicaciones modernas de la tecnología de membranas de ultrafiltración
Aplicaciones modernas de la tecnología de membranas de ultrafiltración

Horario y ubicación

19 dic 2020, 11:00 – 11:40 GMT+5:30


Acerca del evento

In 2020, Ultrafiltration is more relevant than it has ever been. A technology capable of removing Bacteria and Viruses along with a host of other impurities from a feed water stream should be given a lot more attention this year and the years to come. This webinar talks about the wide spectrum of uses and applications that this well-engineered technology is applied in. You will get to meet and discuss with our Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Vaishnav Davey who has over a decade of experience in Membrane technology. 

This talk is a part of Sustainable Technologies for Water Treatment and Desalination (STWTD-2020), an online international conference hosted by NIT, Calicut. 

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