Theway Membranes manufactures water treatment systems that meet the World Health Organization requirements.
Ultra Filtration & Water Treatment in Nepal

Nepal is located entirely in the Ganges basin and is bordered by India in the east, south and west and by China in the north. With fifteen peaks higher than 7,000 meters (m), including the world's highest peak Mount Everest at 8,848 m, Nepal is one of the highest countries in the world. The total land area of Nepal is 143,000 square kilometers (km2). Physiographically, the country can be divided into three parts: the high Himalayas in the north (23.7 percent of the country's total area); the hill and mountain slopes in the center (56.2 percent) which include the lower hills called siwalik where elevations vary between 300 and 700 m; and the plain in the south at elevations below 300 m (20.1 percent). For administrative purposes, the country is divided into 5 development regions and 75 districts.
River Basins and Water Resources
All rivers in Nepal drain into the Ganges River. The country is divided into five river basins, which are from west to east:
• The Mahakali River basin, which is shared with India, with an average flow from the Indian tributaries into the border river estimated at 15 cubic kilometers pear year (km3/year) and some 3.4 km3/year from the Nepalese tributaries;
• The Karnali River basin, with an average outflow estimated at 43.9 km3/year;
• The Gandaki River basin, with an average outflow estimated at 50.7 km3/year;
• The Kosi River basin, with an average outflow estimated at 47.2 km3/year, but which receives a contribution of some 12 km3/year from the upper catchment area located in China (47,2902);
• The southern river basins, which produce some 65 km3/year of water flowing into India.
The surface water resources produced internally are estimated at 198.2 km3/year. The groundwater resources have not been fully assessed. Ongoing studies show that a good potential for groundwater extraction exists, especially in the southern lowland plains (terai) and inner valleys of the hilly and mountainous regions. Much of the terai physiographic region and some parts of siwalik valleys are underlain by deep or shallow aquifers, many of which are suitable for exploitation as sources of irrigation water. A rough estimate can be made by assuming a groundwater resource equivalent to ten percent of surface water, i.e. approximately 20 km3/year, which corresponds to the base flow of the rivers. The total internal water resources would therefore amount to 198.2 km3/year. Chinese statistics mention an average outflow to Nepal of 12 km3/year, which brings the total renewable water resources of Nepal to 210.2 km3/year. This makes Nepal one of the Asian countries with the highest level of water resources per inhabitant. It is assumed that all the renewable water resources of Nepal flow out of the country to India.
The World Bank reports that at least 80 countries have water shortages and 2 billion people lack access to clean water. More disturbingly, the World Health Organization has reported that 1 billion people lack enough water to simply meet their basic needs, unfortunately in many countries water is scarce or contaminated.
Theway Membranes provides wide range of filtration and economical solutions based on the Nepal's water resources.
Water Treatment in Nepal
Guaranteeing distribution of fresh and potable drinking water with effective treatment solutions regarding wastewater poses a serious detriment in Mongolia. As industrialization grows, so does mining operations and farming activities which pollute brackish water sources, rivers, and lakes. Inconsistent seasonal changes in temperature and insufficient sewage systems furthers these problems. Theway Membranes provides wastewater and water treatment systems that will produce fresh and clean water throughout Nepal’s rural and urban communities.
Theway Membranes manufactures water treatment systems that meet the World Health Organization requirements.
Theway Membranes has over 25 years of experience as a global provider of B2B water treatment solutions for a variety of applications and industries, we offer a large selection of all types of Ultra Filtration and water treatment systems to meet your industrial needs. Theway Membranes’s extensive global experience in engineering and manufacturing allows us to pre-engineer and customize water treatment and Ultra Filtration s systems to meet a wide range of customer requirements and specifications.
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